Minutes for 0226: 802.1CB Active Destination MAC and VLAN Stream identification

Standard: 802.1CB-2017 Clause: 6.6 Draft with fix: 802.1CBdb/D0.1 Status: Published
Submitter: Craig Gunther Date: 2019-01-24 Rationale: The text in the second paragraph clause 6.6 incorrectly states that repl...
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Date Meeting Text Status
2019-03-01 Mar 2019 Plenary Received Received
2019-03-12 Mar 2019 Plenary The proposed changes require further review and will be discussed in an upcoming TSN call or maintenance call. There is a risk of incorrect implementation, so creating a resolution soon is important. Technical experts review
2019-05-14 14 May 2019 Concall A contribution on the issue was provided by Craig at http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2019/maint-cgunther-CBitems-0519-v01.pdf. During the discussion it was tentatively proposed that we modify the proposed first solution to only reference 9.1.4 since it includes both indications and transformations. The reference to 9.1.2 really isn't needed. This makes the 2nd, 3rd and 4th proposed solutions unnecessary. The 5th solution was generally agreed to be useful. So, in summary, modify the 1st proposed solution to only reference 9.1.4 and accept the 5th solution Technical experts review
2019-05-21 May 2019 Interim Group agreed to the resolution and additional clarification on how the stream_handle on the egress side for MAC address replacement. The CBdb editor will include in the next draft Complete then Ballot
2019-07-16 Jul 2019 Plenary Resolution in CBdb/D.01 Balloting
2022-03-07 7 Mar 2022 Plenary IEEE Std 802.1CBdb-2021 published on March 8th, 2022 Published
