Minutes for 0265: 802.1CB-2017 MatchRecoveryAlgorithm

Standard: 802.1CB-2017 Clause: Draft with fix: 802.1CBdb/D0.7 Status: Published
Submitter: Balázs Varga Date: 2020-04-30 Rationale: Maintenance item 0260 has 4 sub-issues described within. Discussions on ...
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Date Meeting Text Status
2020-05-04 12 May 2020 Concall Received Received
2020-05-21 21 May 2020 Interim The following contribution describes the issue and proposes specific changes as a remedy: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2020/maint-varga-265-FRER-matchrecovery-0420-v01.pdf Additional time and review is needed to approve including these changes into a document vehicle for 802.1CB. Technical experts review
2020-06-18 18 Jun 2020 Concall Issue1 was reviewed and it was agreed the proposed change should be used. issue2 was discussed and some additional wording will be proposed and processed via email or offline. Technical experts review
2020-06-23 18 Jun 2020 Concall Offline email discussion to 'wordsmith' the specific paragraph resulted in the following suggested text for issue2: The VectorRecoveryAlgorithm of Sequence Recovery functions (7.4.2) in the two systems receiving the Member Streams 1 and 2 will discard the repeated packets until the sequence_number subparameter on the good Member Stream 2 wraps around after 65 536 packets. When sequence number 5 gets accepted due to the history window covering it again, the next packet 5 of Stream 1 is accepted and relayed to the next stage. The desired Member Stream 2’s packet 5 is discarded when it arrives a number of packets later, depending on the window size and the number of member streams. Complete then Ballot
2020-07-09 14 Jul 2020 Plenary Fix in D0.7 Balloting
2021-01-15 19 Jan 2021 Interim Fix updated in D1.1 Balloting
2022-03-07 7 Mar 2022 Plenary IEEE Std 802.1CBdb-2021 published on March 8th, 2022 Published
