Minutes for 0298: Remove reference to 802.1D from 802.1AC

Standard: 802.1AC-2016 Clause: 2 Draft with fix: AC-Rev/d?.? Status: Complete then Ballot
Submitter: Paul Congdon Date: 2020-11-05 Rationale: IEEE Std 802.1D is being withdrawn and a number of references in this st...
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Date Meeting Text Status
2020-11-08 4 Nov 2020 Plenary Received Received
2020-12-02 2 Dec 2020 Concall To reviewed for future AC project Technical experts review
2020-12-16 16 Dec 2020 Concall Project ACct is in TG ballot phase, but the scope of the PAR does not include maintenance items. Next steps are to discuss with the editor of ACct if including these simple items could be done and then amend the PAR to include them. Complete then Ballot
2021-03-09 9 Mar 2021 Plenary After review in the Maintenance TG, the proposed changes were revised. The original request was updated with the following information to avoid confusion. The new changes are: 1. Clause 2, page 14 - delete the normative reference, and add to the Bibliography instead (Annex A) 2. Clause 11, page 26 - delete the reference 3. Clause 11.1, page 27 - replace "Annex F of IEEE Std 802.1D-2004" with "Annex O of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018" 4. Clause 11.1, Note 4, page 28 - replace the reference of IEEE Std 802.1D to a bibliography reference (e.g. IEEE Std 802.1D[B5]) 5. Clause 14.2, Note 2, page 42 - replace the reference of IEEE Std 802.1D to a bibliography reference (e.g. IEEE Std 802.1D[B5]) Note: the notes with 802.1D referenced are providing a historical perspective and shall be left in 802.1AC, but the reference will be to a Bibliography entry, not a Normative reference. Complete then Ballot
