2023-02-21 |
21 Feb 2023 Concall |
This issue has been initially discussed in Yangsters. The proposed changes are consistent with changes made in the 802.1Q YANG modules. The proposed change would allow future derivations/augmentations of interface types to be supported by the Yang model. While this can be advantageous for extensibility, it may not be the desired result in the context of security. Derived interfaces may result in security risks and at a minimum, some kind of warning should be provided. It is also not clear how the proposed changes enable or do not enable link aggregations. The 802.1X operation is intended to work on individual links. This item was created as a result of a liaison from the Broadband Forum (https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/liaison-BBF-1X-YANGmodel-0322.pdf). A formal response has not yet been crafted, but would likely include a direction for the maintenance request. The next step is for Security TG to decide the course of action they would like to take regarding the proposed changes. |
Technical experts review |