All 802.1 Maintenance Items

Number Status Submitted Standard Clause Subject Draft with fix
0293 Approved 2020-10-29 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 LogAnnounceInterval needs to be logAnnounceInterval ASdm/d0.2
0294 Approved 2020-10-29 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 Transmit ptpTimescale for domain 0 as TRUE and ignored on receipt ASdm/d0.2
0297 Approved 2020-10-29 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020, A.7 Editorial corrections for readability ASdm/d0.2
0304 Approved 2020-11-16 IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 17.7.1 IEEE8021PriorityCodePoint misnamed Qcw/d1.5
0307 Approved 2021-02-02 IEEE 802.1AS-2020 Figure 11-6 and Figure 11-7 IEEE 802.1AS-2020: Undefined variable portEnabledOper should be portOper ASdm/d0.2
0308 Approved 2021-02-02 IEEE 802.1AS-2020 Figure 11-7 IEEE 802.1AS-2020: Inverted oneStepTxOper flag in Figure 11-7 ASdm/d0.2
0309 Approved 2021-02-22 IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 plus amendments 6.7.1 Preemption in 802.1Q
0310 Approved 2021-02-22 802.1AC-2016 13.1 Preemption in 802.1AC
0327 Approved 2021-06-11 IEEE 802.1AS-2020 Figure 10-21, Figure 10-22 Remove undefined variable domainEnabled in Figures 10-21 and 10-22 ASdm/d0.5
0328 Approved 2021-06-11 IEEE 802.1AS-2020,,, Incorrect comment in pseudocode of Interval Setting State Machines ASdm/d0.5