9 Mar 2021 Plenary Meeting

Location: WebEx Minutes
Number Status Submitted Standard Clause Subject Draft
0278 Approved 2020-08-11 802.1AS-2020 5.4.2 Inconsistent Clause 5 and PICS with respect to state machines ASdm/d0.5
0268 Approved 2020-06-02 IEEE 802.1Q-2018 17.7.14 and 17.7.22 Maintenance Request: IEEE8021-SRP-MIB SMIv2 compliance and IEEE8021-ST-MIB typo 802.1Qcw/D1.3
0232 Published
2019-07-17 IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 Appendix A Maintenance requires: PICS inconsistent in 802.1Q-2018 802.1Q-Rev/D0.4
