All 802.1 Maintenance Items

Number Status Submitted Standard Clause Subject Draft with fix
0288 Published
2020-10-29 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 10.2.1, 11.2.1 syncSequenceId is wrong state machine blocks AS-2020/Cor1/d1.0
0292 Approved 2020-10-29 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 3.23 gPTP Communication Path should be gPTP communication path ASdm/d0.2
0289 Approved 2020-10-29 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 10.3 Several references to 11.2.13 need to be removed ASdm/d0.2
0299 Published
2020-11-05 802.1BA-2011 5 Remove 802.1D references from 802.1BA BA-Rev/d1.0
0298 Complete then Ballot 2020-11-05 802.1AC-2016 2 Remove reference to 802.1D from 802.1AC AC-Rev/d?.?
0301 Withdrawn
2020-11-05 IEEE 802.1Q-2018 17.7.4 ieee8021QBridgeStaticUnicastReceivePort and ieee8021QBridgeStaticMulticastReceivePort Qcw/d2.0
0300 Rejected
2020-11-05 802.1BR-201R 6.10.1 Remove 802.1D references from 802.1BR BR-Rev/d?.?
0304 Approved 2020-11-16 IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 17.7.1 IEEE8021PriorityCodePoint misnamed Qcw/d1.5
0305 Withdrawn
2020-11-23 IEEE Std 802.1AB-2016 6.7 MAC address requirements of LLDP
0306 Published
2020-12-08 802.1Qcp-2018 Add "derived-from-or-self" to the IEEE 802.1Q bridge YANG for compatibility with interfaces derived from ethernetCsmacd Q-Rev/D0.5