All 802.1 Maintenance Items

Number Status Submitted Standard Clause Subject Draft with fix
0331 Approved 2021-07-07 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 Incorrect value for the meanLinkDelay when CMLDS is used ASdm/d0.5
0332 Approved 2021-07-07 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 NewInfo not set TRUE in PortStateSettingExt state machine ASdm/d0.5
0333 Rejected
2021-08-12 802.1CB-2017 Wildcard support for tsnCpeNullDownDestMac
0334 Approved 2021-08-18 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 Error in clockSourcePhaseOffset Computation in ClockMasterSyncOffset State Machine ASdm/d0.5
0335 Approved 2021-08-18 IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 Clarification of difference between currentTime and localTime in 802.1AS ASdm/d0.5
0336 Published
2021-10-27 IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 8.6 OperIPV initialization not defined Q-Rev/d1.1
0337 Complete then Ballot 2022-01-26 802.1Q 48.1 Inaccurate description of URN usage in published YANG clauses and ongoing project(s)
0338 Complete then Ballot 2022-02-01 802.1CBcv 12.1 Inaccurate description of URN usage in published 802.1CBcv YANG clause
0339 Complete then Ballot 2022-02-01 802.1ABcu 12.1 Inaccurate description of URN usage in published 802.1ABcu YANG clause
0340 Complete then Ballot 2022-06-15 IEEE Std 802.1Q-2022 Misleading details on ATS MaxResidenceTime